Tuesday, January 29, 2008

President Hinckley

Our dear Prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley passed away on Sunday, Jan 27th around 7pm. It is amazing how someone you never actually met can leave such an impact and imprint in you life. I love him and he will be missed. I am so grateful for his life and example. His knowledge and love for the Savior Jesus Christ was powerful. His humor was infectious. His example as a husband and father was remarkable. I smile to know that he is at "home" with his sweet companion and that he has finished his "job" in guiding and teaching us. We can truly celebrate his life by doing what he did - love and follow our Savior.

I also have a huge spot in my heart for Brigham Young University. This link is to a wonderful video about President Hinkley's influence on BYU and it's students. (Just copy and paste into your address bar)



Shana said...

What an amazing video tribute to President Hinkley. The way he spoke of his wife brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for the post Mandy

Sotutus said...

What a beautiful tribute to an amazing man. We will be truly missed by all.

I just love keeping up with your family through your blog. Your boys are darling.

We are also blogging now. You can check us out at sotutusinidaho.blogspot.com.

Keep in touch! Aubri

Jyl... said...

Sorry to make you do this, but I got tagged and so I have to tag 4 more people and I PICKED YOU!! So go to my blog and get the questions and then at the end, you have to tag 4 people. Have fun, I LOVE YOU

Natalie and Boys said...

Dito, It is hard to feel sad when you are so happy for him to be with his wife. That being said the very thought of him brings tears to my eyes. It truely is amazing to love a man so dearly that you have never met.